Wednesday, October 25, 2017

New feeling, old ailments and new ducks.

Here we are a week after my last post.

In general, the week was a good one. I have worn red shirts each day. I kind of hope to wear one each day for the rest of my life.

Tennis, bridge, work and a few days away have filled the seven days. It feels good. The contrast with many months of chemo makes it feel especially good even if there are ailments

Ailments? Yep. There are four.

The shingles nerve pain is still present. The painkillers are helping some. I will be glad when it goes away.  The level ranges from 3 to about a 6.

I also continue to have neuropathy, particularly in my fingers. Have you ever taken five minutes to open one of those plastic bags at the grocery store for fruit and vegetables. I have because of the neuropathy. Similar experiences can be found in press seal bags and opening my Imodium tablets.

Related to the neuropathy is a continuing (if not increasing) sensitivity to cold. I find rooms cold that others find warm. Air conditioning and freezers in grocery stores drive me crazy, just walking near them.

The final continuing issue is my bowels. It is all very unpredictable. I am reminded of that classic book that we discussed in junior high: Race to the Outhouse by Willy Makit. Sadly, once in a while the sequel comes to mind: the same title, but written by Betty Wont.

I understand that these side effects will improve over time. How much time? Who knows.

On the positive side, I am happy to report that Aflac has friends. We got another order of Epsom salts and with it, a yellow ducky. I have chosen to call it Tape. (Figure that one out.)  In addition, I have two other ducks with the research manager's and my names on them that I got at a small celebratory dinner. The ducks were used as place cards.

And so, I now soak with a flotilla of ducks. I wonder if they have the same reproductive tendencies as rabbits?

The ducks seem to appreciate the Soundscape music that I listen to during soaks,.

Over the next week, we expect to be adding Essiac tea, Hydrogen water, far infrared sauna treatment and CBD oil. If my bowels ever behave, we will start a 30 day detox program. I will report on all this next week.

I bet that you are looking forward to that!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Red Shirts and Their Consequences.

Tonight, I had reason to reflect on the past 6 1/2 months as I had dinner with a few friends and family to celebrate the results of my journey thus far.

It is remarkable to look back and see what I have gone through and what the research manager has achieved to get me to this point.

I have from the beginning said that I was going to live to the relatively ripe age of 86, but I got an email today that convinced me that I was wrong. The email told the story of an 87 year old woman who always wanted to go to college and finally got the chance to go. Heck, if you can meet 87 year olds at college, then I will want to be part of the action! So, I am officially upping the goal to at least 90.

The whole day was good: another red  shirt day. I have bought more red shirts and received red shirts as gifts. I am thinking of wearing a red shirt every day of my life.

Tennis (not so successful), breakfast (normal), a little work (boring) and a bridge game (successful) were all part of my day.

I am thinking that it will get pretty boring to hear about red shirts and good days seven times a week and therefore, I am moving to weekly entries for this blog. I expect that it will be each Wednesday evening until further notice. I will save up all the juicy bits each week and regale you with anecdotes once a week.

Thanks for hanging with me thus far.

Time for Cash Cab and a soak. Aflac and I will enjoy some "us" time.,

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Die is Cast

I started today with a different book opportunity.

One of the books that the research manager has found helpful is "How Not to Die." It advocates a plant based diet.

Today, I learned "How not to Lose at Tennis." The first lesson: Go out to play when it is starting to rain. When it is not possible to play, you cannot lose! This may be a short book, however.

I did a few organizational things, did the breakfast routine and then we headed to the cancer center.

My blood pressure was good and my blood numbers were ok. I still need to work on white blood cells and red blood cells.

My urine tests were all good,.

We then went to meet with Dr. Patel. He told me that I needed to continue with his maintenance program and that if I did not, the cancer would recur in three to nine months. I told him that I wanted to take a break. He reluctantly agreed to going three months with no chemo and to do a petscan in three months, with a CEA test in 6 weeks.

This will show whether our program is looking to be successful or not. The research manager has reinforced with me that we need to stick strictly with the program to prove that what we are doing is the right thing.

One of the activities is Far Infrared Sauna. I got a call from the surgeon who put in the port. he indicated that the port will not be affected by the heat, but he clearly regards it as "homeopathic" and therefore suspect. When I phoned the manufacturer of the sauna to ask about the port issue, the customer service person began by indicating that if I was pregnant (expecting a child) I should not use it. Thankfully, my new granddaughter has been born since until then, I was expecting a grandchild.

The far infrared both helps the immune system and fights cancer. I will try it shortly.

After thousands of people presumably thought about submitting a name for my rubber ducky, we have culled through the five or six entries that poured in (from 3 people) and selected Aflac as the duck's name. Absolutely nothing will be awarded to the person who submitted the winning entry. It happens to be the driver.

I will be doing a few more daily blogs this week and then intend to switch to a weekly attempt to entertain and inform the masses.

That's it for tonight. I am going to tell the ducky the good news about his name.

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Name Game

This was another good and busy day.

I played two sets of tennis. After the normal breakfast routine, I did some work at home and then headed out to do some errands.

The most important stop was at a place called Colon Hydrotherapy. They have a far infrared sauna that we want to be part of my routine going forward. It is great for detoxification, among other things. The interesting thing is that no one can tell me if it is safe to do with my port. I think it is, but the medical community seems to not understand these alternate therapies and basically refuses to advise on this issue.

Tomorrow is a big day as we meet with Dr. Patel and will be advising him of our decision re no more chemo. I feel good about this.

I used my new checklist today and it works well. I just have to follow it each day.

I received a few suggestions for a name for the rubber ducky. The three leading contenders are Aflac, Quackers and Tape. See if you can figure out "Tape." The sentimental favorite is Aflac, given that Aflac sponsors the video bonus question on Cash Cab some of the time. I may decide this issue tomorrow.

I met someone tonight that is going to their 50th High School Reunion. I have never met anyone that has attended as many as 50 high schools. Her father must have been with the military.

I decided to try to ease out of the pain pills for my shingles. The scabs are gone, but the pain persists. It has been running at about a 3, but with no pain pill this morning, it is more like a 5 or 6 tonight.

I am tired tonight and going straight to bed. I won't have a soak again until I know the ducky's name.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Looking Ahead

I had another good day today. I am expecting that to continue in days to come. I even went to the thrift store to see if there were any red shirts that I could purchase.

I am making progress on a checklist to live by. I expect to have it completed tomorrow. It is a little complicated to schedule the number of activities, particularly when some require empty stomachs and wait times before eating.

I used to be impatient to eat, but it is slightly easier to wait when we are talking green things instead of chocolate cake. In actual fact, I am getting acclimatized to the green things.

The research manager has had enquiries from four people in the last three days about the program that we are following. She has done a great job with me and so people are looking for help either for themselves or friends or relatives.

I have begun the process of converting the blogs to book form. I would hope that what I have written might inspire many and that in turn the research manager will be able to help them.

I truly feel that what we have achieved is noteworthy. It will be interesting to hear what Dr. Patel has to say. He has found my previous petscans noteworthy.

I got an email today, telling me that the reason that they were excited was that having a clean report would mean that they would not have to read the blog about red shirts, Cash Cab, driver issues and rubber ducky et cetera any longer. She was fooling but it does raise two important issues.

The first is exactly when to end the blog. I suspect it will be soon.

The second is that the rubber ducky does not have a name. Someone was upset to learn that I fall asleep in the tub with a ducky whose name I do not know. Suggestions are welcome.

I will soon go for my soak. I may tell the research manager that I will listen to soothing music but end up listening to the football game.

One final note. Has anyone seen a bar of dark chocolate? I had two on my desk, but one is missing. This is a possible case for Investigation ID, although I doubt there are any fingerprints.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Quietly Happy

Today was a good day.

I played two sets of tennis. I did the normal breakfast routine and then after a little computer work, I went shopping. I find that a little computer works almost as well as a big one.

I had run out of water with higher ph and am amazed that regular water, even that which comes from springs cannot compare. I had to get my two favorites....Essentia and also Evamor. Evamor tastes the best but I can also got a case of the Essentia with bottles that I can carry with me.

I have been busy most of the day and just now am slowing down. I still have my weekly email to do. If I do it tonight, it might be a weakly email and so it might be best to wait till the morning.

I am still trying to adjust to the events of yesterday. All are very excited. I am happy but not as excited as most. I have been trying to figure out why.

When I awoke from my colonoscopy and learned that I had a tumor and then had a cat scan and found out that my cancer was stage four, I knew that it would be treated and effectively healed. Some others were a little more freaked out. And so now, those that were freaked out are excited and those of me that knew I would be healed are just quietly happy.

Obviously, there have been many aspects to the healing. All have had effect. Chemo, research manager, diet, supplements and prayer.

I even think that Cash Cab has had impact. Speaking of which, I have to go. I am missing it.

Friday, October 13, 2017


How do I report on today?

I think that the bottom line is the best place to start.

My petscan report was very good. I talked to an oncologist friend and he said, "The report is excellent. Congratulations." Another doctor friend who also deals with oncology said basically the same thing.

The report has several references to "Normal." Normal is good.

The report says that "there is a normal pattern of heterogeneous uptake in the liver.":

The research manager is excited.

And here I am a little stunned. Finding all this hard to believe and wanting to wait to talk to Dr. Patel until I celebrate.

Hold the phone. My brother-in-law just called from Chicago. He is a newly retired breast cancer specialist. He heard the report and confirmed that I have reason to celebrate and so celebrate I will. Chocolate cake and ice cream with chocolate syrup......... Oh......those aren't part of the new program....... Supergreens and avocadoes for all!

Thanks to all for your encouragement and support and a special recognition of the research manager for doing all she has done. I love her almost as much as she appears to love me.

I did not mention yesterday that during the petscan I looked up and saw a small opening and a note adjacent to it. The note was upside down and I looked it. Without my glasses, it took a little time to focus on the sign which read "Laser aperture. Do not stare at opening." Hmmmmmm.

Time for a celebratory soak. I would tell you that I will listen to "Soundscapes" but two nights ago I said that and the research manager caught me listening to the baseball game instead. So no promises.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Turning Blue

What an interesting day!

It was a red shirt day. I played tennis, and then headed off to the cancer center to have blood work done before the petscan. The numbers were pretty decent.

I did not have breakfast because you have to fast for 6 hours before the petscan.

The petscan procedure went as normal. The nice thing is that after I get injected with the magic solution to facilitate the scan, I get to wait for an hour in my own room with my own TV. I can watch the political shows without it bothering the research manager. The slightly annoying thing is that it took 3 tries (pokes) before they found a vein that would work.

After the petscan, I get a CD of the scan. I can pick up a written report tomorrow which will tell me more. I should also be able to get the CEA cancer marker number.

However today, it is just the CD. The research manager reviewed the CD although she is not a professional radiologist.(I can't believe that she has not become one in the last 6 months!) She feels that it looks like the liver looks pretty clear. We will know more tomorrow.

I found out two things about colloidal silver today. The first is that one risk is that it can turn your skin blue. What happens when my skin turns both orange and blue? I can apply to be a University of Florida mascot! Go Gators!

The second is that it should be taken with Aloe Vera. That way, my gut will never suffer with sunburn.

I had two dreams last night that I remember, which is unusual for me. I seldom remember any.

I invite you all to determine the meaning of this one.

I went into a store with my son Graham and his friend Nicholas to buy a ping pong ball. Nick picked up a ball, but lost control of it as we walked toward the counter. It ended up stuck behind my ear. Everyone was looking for it, including the store clerk and I turned my head to show her where it was. She retrieved the ball and we completed the purchase. Thoughts?

Today, I had more than double the normal number of page views, including a good number from Russia. I also had several notes of encouragement. Thank you all for your interest and support.

Tomorrow will be a big day. Fingers crossed, but do not cross your legs. It will distort your blood pressure reading.

Time for a soak and bed. Speaking of the soak, I got gasps of surprise from the tennis group when they learned that the rubber ducky is blue. Apparently it is taking colloidal silver.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Periodic Table of Elements

Today was another good day.

It involved tennis ( 1 1/2 sets), making and eating a full breakfast (supergreens, avocado, spinach, eggs, bacon and the daily host of pills and supplements - the research manager says it was the best ever), a few errands, learning that I had a new granddaughter, a few jobs at the bridge club and then goofing off for the rest of the day. I am better at goofing off than I am at tennis!

We are virtually complete on our alternative treatment. The most recent additions are colloidal silver, and hydrogenated water. I truly will need the checklist that I am developing for each day to make sure that I get it all in. It is enough of a challenge now without adding these things.

I think that I will be consuming about half of the periodic table of elements each day.  I have decided to leave the plutonium and a few other elements for Kim Jung Un.

I recently read a fascinating article on North Korea in the New Yorker magazine. I have recently rediscovered the wonderful articles in this publication. This is a magazine that I do read for the articles! It is part of my relaxation.

In fact, I think I will go and do some reading now while I do a soak. The rubber ducky likes looking over my shoulder. I also play the soundscape music on Spectrum channel 442 to help with meditation and relaxation.

Tomorrow.......the petscan.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


I am glad that I am having a petscan on Thursday. That will tell us where we are with the cancer that was diagnosed 6 1/2 months ago. With a little luck, it will tell a positive story, which will be confirmed or otherwise next Tuesday when I meet with Dr. Patel.

At that point a momentous decision will be made and implemented. I have full confidence that things will work out as we hope in .the same way that I assumed we would be successful in dealing with the four inch tumor that I woke up to after a colonoscopy in late March.

The chemo has obviously had impact, but Dr. Patel has expressed that my case has been one of the most successful he has seen. The work of the research manager and the supplements and diet changes that she has helped me adopt have been a major factor in the success. I also think that my attitude and humor have contributed. Thanks for being an audience for the latter.

I have received a few emails over the weekend reflecting on what I have to be thankful for, given that it was Canadian Thanksgiving. I agree with their observations.

By the way, did you know that the early Canadian Thanksgivings were as much a religious celebration thanking God that they were not part of the United States? I think that many feel the same way today.

As for me, "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." (Credit to Paul the apostle) did today go. It was a good red shirt day. I am expecting to run out of red shirts going forward. Tennis, a good breakfast, some work at my desk, a number of errands in the car and running a game tonight were all part of the mix.

Only one cloud on the horizon. I heard today from someone that juices regularly. I learned that she had recently had a bad fall. If juicing causes such things or even fails to prevent them from happening, I may have to reevaluate juicing. I do not want to fall for that kind of thing.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Turning Orange

Today was a good day.

I woke up in decent time and played tennis and won. I am always a little shaky the first few days back, but playing with the best player helps.

After I made breakfast, I did a number of chores till a late lunch time and then finalized my taxes and filed them. I had asked for an extension for the first time ever because, as you may recall, I was just starting this adventure back in April.

We went to play bridge tonight and tied for first. So, not a bad day all in all.

The big news of the day is that the juicer arrived. We will primarily be juicing carrots, which I understand can make the skin turn orange. (Maybe John Boehner juices carrots!) I plan to take advantage of this since the only other thing that I know that makes your skin orange is Cheetos. If I order a big bag of Cheetos, I should be able to eat them undetected. But, please do not tell the research manager.

I intend to also investigate juicing chocolate cake.

Time is late and since I have been busy all day, I am really tired. Here's to a soak serenaded by Cash Cab.

Sunday, October 8, 2017


Things have started to turn. I feel much more energetic today. Not all the way, but much better.

I got out of bed about 9 and breakfast involved two situations that were uncomfortable. This is important because discussing our decision with the doctor will be a little uncomfortable. The more experience that I have with being uncomfortable will make me more comfortable.

The first uncomfortable thing was drinking my supergreens for the first time since they made me throw up. Today, they did not.

Next, I was dealing with six extra large eggs and cooked only three, leaving three in the carton and you know how uncomfortable an odd number of eggs makes me feel!

The research manager has continued to look at repeats of the symposium presentations, much of which has focused on diet and the bad things that happen to much of our food these days. She said that we should eat what we ate at the turn of the century. I think she meant at the turn of the last century. Personally, I wasn't eating anything at the turn of the last century. Maybe she is trying to starve me. At the very least, it would be a heck of a fast.

Speaking of fast, tomorrow I will play tennis, but I doubt that I will be that fast.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Readings from Finishis Chapters 1-3

On the third, fourth and fifth day, Charles rested and he looked at the chemo that had been administered and saw that it was bad. Finishis 1:31 and chapter 2:2.

I have spent the past three days resting or listening to alternative treatment presentations or doing both at the same time.

The time spent has sealed the deal. We will be pursuing alternate treatment rather than doing "maintenance chemo." I admit that the chemo has accomplished much, aided by the supplements and diet, but the time has come.

All the details are to be worked out over the next week.

The petscan has been moved to Thursday this coming week and so, it will be Friday before we have a report on the results. The following Tuesday, we will meet with Dr. Patel to finalize things.

I was home all day yesterday and today and so wanted to get out for dinner. We settled on picking up some Thai food. It was good to get out for at least a short time.

Later, the research manager told Charles to partake of carrot juice and when he had done so, the oncologist expelled them from the cancer center. Finishis Chapter 3..

Friday, October 6, 2017


So, there I was this morning lying in bed. It was 9:00 and I had a decent night, waking only twice.

Suddenly, I heard that the alternative cancer treatment symposium was just starting on the research manager's computer.

I put the presentation on the phone and laid in bed listening. It was about the power of the mind and a positive attitude. I think that I do pretty well on that score.

So, once the presentation was over, I jumped out of bed and went to get a glass of Supergreens. What could be better! Except, almost as soon as I swallowed the greens, they came back up.

How's that for the power of a positive attitude?

As a result, I spent much of the day resting and sleeping.

Early afternoon, the research manager said she was going to get me some Pedialite. I also suggested chicken noodle soup. She came back with both items and I poured myself some Pedialite. It had so much sugar in it that could hardly stand it. Obviously, albeit slowly, my taste buds are changing.

I had two bowls of soup and they went down ok. I had a little more rest and a soak, I have taken to listening to soothing music during a soak. (Channel 442 on Spectrum)

I then watched a little TV and felt hungry. With my neuropathy, I cannot handle cold eggs and so the research manager cracked them for me. Because she handled the eggs, I have no idea if we have an even number or not. I made an omelet. It was good.

I got a call today advising me to use Vicks Vaporub on my fingers. I will try it tonight.

I got messages from three people encouraging me to look up, given the last few days. I am grateful for those.

But the most amazing thing is that someone realized how I was going to feel today and sent me a card by snail mail so that it would arrive today when I needed it. I am going to ask her to pick some lottery numbers for me.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Tomorrow will be better.

Today was what it is advertised to be. Tough.

I woke up this morning, feeling no particularly hungry, with a slight headache feeling down.

Of course, it is the third day and that is what is supposed to happen.

I spent the morning listening to a live stream of a conference on alternative treatments for cancer. There was a lot of useful information. It will help as we deliberate on how to go forward.

I then was taken to get rid of Bob (hopefully for good) by the driver. I am not saying anything about her driving, but my blood pressure was up today from Tuesday.

I got home and rested for much of the afternoon while listening to the live stream in the time that I was awake.

I then had to run tonight's game and so we went off and did that. While I was not feeling great, it helps to keep my mind occupied. We did decently.

Tonight, I am tired, the shingles are acting up and I still don't feel like eating. Also, my fingers are sore with neuropathy.

The good news is that things will be better tomorrow. They can't be much worse.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Bugs Bunny

I should have known better. This is the day after chemo and I went a little overboard.

I had a decent sleep, waking up only twice and I slept till 10:00.

I decided to go to the club and arranged to get a ride there as it is likely best not to drive on a day like today with Bob and all. That necessitated a quick breakfast routine as I had to be ready by 11:00.

I was then out of the house till 7:30 and I am paying for it now. I am really tired. Like I said, I should have known better.

Fortunately, there is an early version of Cash Cab on tonight. So, I can watch from 9 to 10 and go to bed thinking it is midnight!

The research manager discovered today some wonderful things about carrots and carrot juice,

Now I can see that I will be giving Bugs Bunny a run for the carrot money.

When I walk into the doctor's office on the 17th to discuss the petscan results, I will say :Ehhhh, what's up Doc?"

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Veggie Tales

Well, today was chemo day.

I got up early so that I could do a few chores before tennis and have enough time after tennis to complete the balance of the morning routine and still be almost on time for my appointment at the cancer center. this is despite having a three interruption sleep between midnight and 7.

Tennis went well. I had not played in quite a few weeks till last week and seem to be getting close to back to form; not quite but closer.

The session at the cancer center went as expected. The interesting thing is that the nursing staff were congratulating me on finishing the course, while the doctor/nurse practitioner are still planning on chemo continuing for "maintenance" for quite some time.

The petscan and CEA will be done next Tuesday and then we can analyze exactly where we are. We will be able to see the scan on Tuesday, get a report on the petscan on Wednesday and get the CEA by Thursday. So next week will be exciting.

I am happy to report that the driver and I made peace today and she will drive me on Thursday to get rid of Bob. I am glad of that. The research manager has a lot on her plate.

Speaking of plates, I find that my plates are looking greener these days. But this evening, my glass looked orange. I drank a healthy amount of cold pressed carrot juice. I think I am on Veggie Tales.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Thank goodness for the rubber ducky

Today was another red shirt day. I felt pretty good, although my stomach was slightly off and I was a little more tired after three hectic days. I actually slept for a few hours this afternoon. I did win a set of tennis this morning and the bridge game tonight.

Tomorrow is what I am planning to be my last chemo session. Assuming that next Tuesday's petscan comes out as I hope and expect, we will switch to our own program to combat cancer going forward.

It is a little stressful working through this process. The fact is that chemo ultimately kills you and I think the odds are much better pursuing a program that does what is necessary.

I have laid out 7 things that need to be addressed going forward.

1. Build up and maintain the immune system
2. Tackle any tumors that might try to grow
3. Battle circulating cancer cells
4. Detoxify the colon
5. Detoxify the liver
6. Improve the "gut" issues
7. Make the body more alkaline

This may be an imprecise list of action points, but it what I am working with.

There is a strategy for each of these, involving diet, supplements, exercise and things like the infrared sauna. There is a large emphasis on vegetables and fruit.

To combat the stress, I have begun to take the rubber ducky that I got with the Epsom salts into the tub when I have a soak.

In fact, I think that I will do that now while listening to Cash Cab.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Avoid Stress

Avoid stress. That is a piece of advice that I have been given. Generally, I can deal with most things, but now there are two major issues to deal with.

I have this ongoing thing about being driven places. Someone suggested that it might be possible to invite Maria Sharapova to play....................a tennis game and use her driver and car. But the problem of the unhappy drivers persists.

Now, the research manager has added another stress point. We have begun using extra large eggs and she has suggested that we only need three eggs in the morning. And so, the odd eggs in the carton aversion has returned to add stress to my life.

Luckily, I am doing well physically. About the only annoyance is the shingles. Tonight, the pain is up to about a 7. But everything else is good and despite two long days, I have had good energy.

I found out recently that at least four condos in our complex suffered water damage that ruined their floors. Interestingly, they all had recently had their windows replaced. I would guess that it is not a good idea to buy your windows from "Simpson's Window Replacement and Flooring Company!" They appear to have a great add on business :)

For the record, we had no water leaks despite having the original windows. Based on our experience, I would recommend Charlie's Window Duct Tape Service.