Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Butt Kicking

Saturday evening, I had a new experience. I developed a very sore bottom.

Allow me to explain.

The three or four days after chemo last week were a little tough.  I can't fully explain it, but I was less than enthusiastic about almost everything.

The research manager noticed this and decided that I was not in good shape and that others agreed with her. She attributed it to my not taking the diet/supplement regime seriously and Saturday evening, she gave me a good old fashioned butt kicking. That is why my bottom was so sore.

From her perspective, my chemo and my reaction to it was the cause of all my maladies and she perceived that I was quietly accepting this and that chemo would be a permanent part of my life if I just drifted along as I seemed to be doing. This was causing all manner of ills.

She even suggested that my not doing all I could was the cause of my being rear ended in the car accident and that it was, therefore, probably my fault. I wonder if I should tell Liberty Mutual that the poor guy that hit me could not help it because I was not approaching this cancer thing properly. I am sure they would not be thrilled to hear this, but that his insurer might jump for joy if her theory prevailed.

I had blood work on Monday and my White Blood Cell count is low. I even had to consult with the nurse and nurse practitioner before I was sent on the way. I need to be careful around others. I hope that things are significantly better by next Tuesday when I have my next chemo.

Dry mouth is a minor problem as is neuropathy in my fingers. I am slowly building strength. I play tennis most days and sometimes can actually hit the ball.

I am still having my back, neck and wrist attended to and may have to deal with this for some time.

I realize that my mental attitude and toughness is very important in this process and am committed to kicking cancer's butt. If I can be as effective as the research manager in butt kicking, cancer has no chance.

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