Wednesday, March 28, 2018

A pending rubber ducky crisis

This has been an interesting week. It has had it's highs and its lows.

If this blog is less than inspired, it is because today, I am less than inspired. It has been a tough day. Not much appetite and I have been very tired. Exactly what you would predict on the day after chemo.

The interesting thing is that in the days before chemo, I had significant dry mouth and some bowel issues. They were better last night. So who knows. This is a strange and rocky journey.

This past week began on a high with a visit to Moffitt Cancer Center. I was really impressed. I spent an hour with Dr. Haider and found her to be very bright and personable. She clearly cared about what I felt and wanted.

It was suggested that I do two full chemos, not four and then switch to a maintenance regime of some kind. Her recommendation was to do two days with Bob and not the full Bolus of chemo on the first day. This contrasts with the pill form of maintenance. The reason for not doing the pill is that there are some tough side effects possible (irreversible skin damage, for one.} Also, if one is left to do the pills at home, patients sometimes forget.

For those of you that know of my disdain for Bob, this is tough. We have about three weeks to work this out.

A few vignettes.

I met an older man at the post office the other day. He had received some meds in the mail and was complaining about the cost and that he therefore had to continue to work. I said, "Me too."

His response was that I was too old to be working. The implication is that he thought I looked older than him and more frail. I thought just the opposite, but what do I know.

The other vignette is shocking. You know of my feelings about my rubber duckies. A report released yesterday revealed that rubber duckies contain all kinds of bacteria. I will have to think about this. It would be a real sacrifice to give them up. What is more, I read the ending positions of the 5 duckies when the tub drains to determine how things are going.

It is kind of like reading tea leaves.

In any event, thanks for your support in so many ways.

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