We all get Christmas letters from relatives and friends. I am no exception. Some times they are a little hard to take.
Today, I would like to feature two such letters from two of my nephews who are polar opposites.
In summary, Harry writes that his children are wonderful, the family went on two exciting vacation trips. Harry is working as a missionary in the Yukon and his wife Matilda was elected chairwoman of the Home and School Association for Yellowknife..
He then discussed relatives and amazingly included me. He indicated that I had stage 4 colon cancer, but that my current treatment was working better than my doctor expected. He noted that my hand/foot syndrome was continuing to be an issue and perhaps having a little more effect on my tennis hand.
Sammy, his brother, is conducting research in Antartica (I told you they were polar opposites,) He is single but indicates that he enjoys his work and boasts of travelling extensively. He is quite the researcher and had recommended Turkey Tail Mushroom capsules when he learned of my diagnosis, He wrote in hand at the bottom of his letter that he was upset that I did not mention Turkey Tail in my blog last week when I listed the many supplements that were helping in my cancer fight.
As I get more letters, I will share them if they are interesting. Maybe even on a night other than Wednesday.
Meanwhile, my dry mouth is getting slightly better and a bridge friend, whose daughter is a dentist has arranged to get me several samples of items that will help dry mouth.
I had one very proud moment this week. When the nurse at the cancer center injected the needle into my port for the infusion of Avastin yesterday, she was quite excited that I had "Good Blood Return." I have never been told this before and am so excited to have achieved this lofty goal.
It has made my Christmas. May you also have a Happy Christmas/Holiday. And a big THANK YOU for your support.
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