Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Another week. More blood tests. Mixed results.

A few numbers were improved. ANC, for example, went from 1.4 to 1.7. The doc is happier if that number is over 1.5 and it has been known to be 3.0 or more. Strangely, my white blood cell count went down from 3.0 to 2.8. Both measures are indicators of my immune system's ability to function properly.

Stay tuned for the amazing thing,

It is encouraging that my level of alkalinity is up. It is now in the range of 7.25 to 7.5 whereas it was often around 6 a while ago. This is good. The more alkaline that I am, the tougher it is for cancer cells. Credit a few things, but 60 ounces of Essentia high ph water is helping.

I finished my week of Xeloda yesterday and am happy about that. My hands, in particular, are very red and fairly sore. I am using liberal amounts of Udderly Smooth cream.

Stay tuned for the amazing part of this blog.

I won at tennis today. It threatened rain when we started. Paul and I won the first game and then it started raining. We would have continued, but everyone else ran for protection. Chalk up another major victory for team Gill.

I sometimes play with three younger more energetic women who are not part of our group. The last time that I played with them, all the courts were in use and we had to vacate our court for some people who play pickleball. But we were ahead 6-5 when we had to quit. We agreed to meet later, but they did not show. It is bad enough being stood up by one women, but three? That hurts.

I know that you have been waiting with baited breath for the amazing part of this blog. Here it is. You know that the research manager concocted an attack on low platelets. The first week's efforts had no positive effect (73 versus 77 the week before). But this week we added papaya leaf extract and the count went from 73 to 89. We have asked the doc often about whether there is anything that can help platelets and they knew of nothing. The research manager finds papaya leaf extract and it has immediate results. Amazing!

I am off for dinner. I am dressed too warmly because when I checked what the weather was going to be later tonight, I accidentally looked at Cupertino California rather than St. Petersburg. Oh well. I am not going to change now.

I intend to have a great week and hope the same for you.

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