Wednesday, May 8, 2019

A busy week

It has been a busy week and there seems to be much to report.

After another week without Xeloda, my hands are getting better.

My blood tests yesterday were all improved with the exception of my white blood cells, which were marginal. The nurse practitioner added another CEA test and it was better than the last one (5.2 vs 6.0).

I started the maintenance chemo yesterday and an surviving it fairly well. Without the Oxaloplatin, the side effects are unlikely to be as bad and the doctor gave me Mugard to preempt any mouth sores.

I also had a follow up visit with the dentist on Monday and the extractions are healing well. I am virtually back to normal and will now have to discuss with the dentist what to do next.

I felt so good today that the research manager and Bob and I went off to play for one day in a regional bridge tournament. We did not badly. It was a good way to spend the day since I was not able to play tennis Bob has not learned how to play tennis yet.

The other day, we were talking about people that learn how to play the piano when they are young and then pick it up later in life. It is amazing that they can gain that much strength. Pianos are heavy!

The other day, the research manager watched the second half of the movie The Rainmaker. When you only see half of it, you just get mild showers.

Getting sleep is good in this process. I guess it is good for everyone. Bob makes it a little more difficult. The research manager often comments that she sleeps until she wakes up. I guess that is true for all of us!

One of the reasons that the research manager wakes up early is to do more research. Today, she presented me with the need and benefit of more vitamin C and even vitamin C infusions. So, I have begun to look into this.  There is always something!

And there is always the 200 of you that read this blog each week. Thanks for your interest.

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