Thursday, September 28, 2017


Life can be interesting.

I felt good again all day. I truly cannot explain why.

I played tennis for the third day in a row. Everyone but the research manager can keep reading.

I have been limited to only one set each day, but today, I played 4 or 5 extra games. But please don't tell the research manager.

When I play tennis, I usually eat an orange or tangerine just before I play. It may have some nutritional value, but the big reason is that it makes my hands sticky and it is easier to hold on to the tennis racquet.

Sometime it seems that chemo brain is contagious. I confess to many instances of my having it, but sometimes the research manager says or does something that makes me wonder.

This afternoon, we made a quick stop at Publix. While she was looking at something, I excused myself. Since I usually do this to visit the washroom, she assumed that was the case this time. However, I ran next door to the liquor store to buy her a bottle of her favorite scotch.

I returned with a bag in my hand and she, assuming that I was coming from the washroom, wondered what was in the bag. Her best guess.......toilet paper. Great.....a new money saving idea......steal toilet paper from the Publix washroom!

Now, that is interesting indeed.

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