Saturday, September 23, 2017

Seed vs Soil

Today was a slightly better day. I had a decent sleep, although my dry mouth woke me up a few times and I have a sore on my lip. It happens in the same spot almost every chemo cycle.

I spent the morning doing some research with a continuing eye on what to do in three weeks when the originally prescribed chemo cycle ends.

I do research 3/7. It seems like the research manager does research 24/7, but I know she sleeps some, so I would guess it is 14/7 many days.

Today, I discovered an excellent site on "Alternate Treatments." It is very useful. The way I discovered it was by opening an email from...............................the research manager! :)

I think we are moving closer do doing supplements and diet. I read an article in The New Yorker which stresses the importance of building up the immune system. Cancer is the seed. Your body is the soil and you need to make sure that the soil is not welcoming to the seed. Let's hear it for building up the immune system.

We have discovered a fool proof way of concealing passwords. The research manager asked me what the new password was for the site that has all my cancer test results. I told her and she thought I was talking about the user name. After several "cross" communications (in both senses of the word), we worked it out. Anyone listening would never be able to figure out what the password was.

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