Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Doing not too badly

Last Wednesday, I was just recovering from some digestive issues and about to go to a colon hydrotherapy session the following day. That session went well and things have steadily improved since then. In fact, it is now the day after chemo and I am feeling generally well. I am tired tonight because I was out for a good part of the day, but otherwise things are ok.

While I was at the colon hydrotherapy clinic, they offered to do a foot detox. I agreed to do it and I think it was helpful, but who knows. When it was finished, the assistant said that she was going to rinse my feet with plain water. I told her that I preferred train water, but I think that it went right over her head.

Prior to every chemo, I meet with either the doctor or the nurse practitioner. You may recall my affinity for nurse practitioners. Yesterday, I met with a physician's assistant. I will tell you that they rate right up there with nurse practitioners!

I learned yesterday that I will have a month's holiday with no treatment, not meeting with the doctor till about the third week of August. This will be a nice break. I expect that we will then begin use of the pills (Xaloda) every other week and a 1/2 hour infusion of Avastin every other week also. That is far more palatable for me than what I have been going through.

I may have told you about the butterflies around the tennis court. I regard them as reminders that there are people both here and up there that are looking out for my welfare and I am grateful.

Speaking of tennis, I got an email sharing with me movie titles that could apply to tennis. Here are a few of the good ones:

Love Story
Drop shot Dead Gorgeous
Great tennis balls of fire
Doubles indemnity
The bad call of the wild. - This is one for when I play tennis, the opponents are always making what I perceive to be bad calls. I usually challenge by saying "What?", but they pay no attention and call the ball out anyway.

It is late and I am tired. Off to bed. See you next week.

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