Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The plumber

Wow. A great response to the Name that Book request. Thanks to all for their ideas. At this minute, it looks like "Notes from a Cancer Survivor (Smiling almost all the way) is the leader but the book has not been published yet.

I find it hard to isolate time for the finishing touches on the book, the forward and appendices are almost as much pain to get done as the disease itself. However, it will be done as soon as I can. Then it will apparently be about a 5 month process to get it out there. I will keep you posted.

Now, how are things going? In general, many things are ok, Before I report what the week has brought, I want to update you on the repair situation here at our home.

We had a leak in our air conditioning. The repairman came and said that we needed a new pan which requires about 4 hours of work.

Next, our washing machine is leaking water during the spin cycle. The repairman said that we needed a new pump at a cost of not much less than a new machine.

The third repairman, a plumber, said that the outlet pipe had gotten a little clog and that the pressure of the debris building up had caused a small rip in the pipe at the end. He said that if we applied a gel to the rip, it would be almost as good as new in a few days.

Well, it was my pipe. The plumber is the GI doctor. I think you can fill in the rest. Sure enough, after a few days of significant discomfort, I am almost back to normal, whatever that is.

My blood test numbers were good yesterday. My weight is back down. Blood pressure is good. White blood cells are low, but decent. Hopefully, they will stay high enough to get my final treatment of this series next Tuesday.

The magic mouthwash has eliminated any sign of mouth sores this time round, I still have modest dry mouth, but it is okay. It wakes me up once or twice each night.

I am back to playing tennis and that feels good.

Tomorrow will be an exciting day. I have an appointment for a Colon Hydrotherapy session. Don't ask, if you don't know what that is. I had two previously and listening to the therapist's running commentary is interesting.

I am now working on movie titles that can be subtly changed to apply to tennis. The first one? A Ball too Far. Suggestions are welcome.

So, life goes on. I am enjoying it and hope that you are too.

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