Thursday, October 31, 2019

At the bottom of everything

Last week, I thought that I was on top of things.

This past weekend, I realized that was closer to the bottom. The new and never to be used again treatment almost destroyed me.

I thought that I was going to die, but Morton Plant hospital thankfully has disabused me of that thought. I would have blamed the fluid build up but the reality is that my white blood count was .06 far below the normal range of 4.7 to 11.7. Three successive shots of neupogen brought it up to .09 to 2.3 to 9.5 today. That is good improvement while at the same time, I have had continued fluid build up and just today contributed 4.8 liters to the cause. It kind of looks like an Octoberfest beer with a natural head,

Tomorrow, I expect they will drain fluid from around my left lung,

So, where are go from here? Morton Plant is a super cautious hospital and once they have you in their grasp, they won't let you go till every last hangnail is healed. Therefore,, I expect to go to a few days rehab.

One good thing about this visit is that I have been called sweetheart, honey and sweetie by virtually every nurse and tech in the building.

Another benefit is that having to wait one day to do this blog and going through what I have gone through has raised my weekly readership by 100.

Thanks, as always, for your love, care, prayers, kind thoughts and support.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

On Top of Everything.

Another interesting and challenging week,

We are getting a handle on how to manage things a little better.

The fluid in the abdomen causes two risks - pain from the pressure and resulting nausea.

So the plan is now the following:

Eat as much as I can for the first few days after the fluid is removed,

Then take an anti-nausea pill as needed and a painkiller as needed also.

Also, I am taking a pill that slows the production of the fluid

In addition the chemo is showing some effect. Today's fluid was less that last week and there was less fluid around the lung,

So, we seem to have a path forward. A few more chemo treatments and we may have the fluid thing under control.

As you know, the research manager is doing her research thing almost constantly. The physician's assistant told me that she is really on top of things. Today, I was given a script for the painkiller, but they gave me that wrong script, The Research Manager caught it before we left the cancer center.

As final proof, we go almost all the way home yesterday when she discovered she did not have her phone, I called her number - no ring, no answer,

I called the cancer center and they could not find it. Hmmm, it had to be there, They checked again. No Phone.

Where was it? She was sitting on it! She is on top of everything,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Dreams of Blueberry Muffins

An interesting week.

Thursday, I just took it easy and built up a little energy.

Friday morning, I felt energetic enough to suggest we play the afternoon tournament game and we actually scratched.

By Saturday, I ventured out on the tennis court and ended up tied. I played with Keith who earns not only one but two kudos. The first was the tennis game and the second will be revealed later in this blog.

I was really wiped out by one set of tennis, but still summoned the energy to play another tournament game and scratched again.

Sunday was a take it easy day while the research manager went off to play bridge all day.

The only problem was that I lost my voice and still don't have it back yet.

Meanwhile, I gained a pound each day as the fluids started to build in my abdomen again.

Monday afternoon, we actually finished first at the club bridge game.

And then came Tuesday and a meeting with the nurse practitioner. We quickly decided that the dosage of chemo the first time was too high owing both to my reaction and my lower weight.

I generally am faring better and tiredness, a little dizziness and my voice are the major issues that I am dealing with.

Today was fluid draining day and I gave up 4,2 liters of fluid. It kind of looks like bear and even has a head on it as each bottle fills.

Back to Keith. He said that a restaurant had great blueberry muffins. I have been dreaming about that ever since. As we were leaving the hospital, I mentioned their blueberry muffins, but we breezed right by.

The research manager asked if I wanted to go home or stop to eat. I mentioned a place called Doe Doe's. I told her that I was smarter than she thought. She quickly realized that Doe Doe's had great blueberry muffins and so Doe Doe's it was. The eggs were great and I loved that muffin. It was so big that I took half home. I just have to hope that the famous mouse in our house doesn't find it before tomorrow.

The other day, a commercial on the TV said that if I got dental implants, I could eat whatever I want. I will give that some consideration.

Thanks again for your prayers, interest and support.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Another A Team

Over the past two weeks, I have learned that there are pluses and minuses to this new chemo regime.

On the plus side, I have gotten to spend time at my favorite hospital, I am getting the best possible treatment to rebuff the cancer. I have many people expressing concern for me in many different ways.

On the negative side, there have been some tough side effects, which I am learning to deal with. I also have not been able to play tennis and only a little bridge.

But I am feeling better tonight than I have in a while.

I had hoped to spend a few days in Canada next week, but decided to push that off for a while until I get things into a better rhythm.

I had a good meeting with my gastro doctor yesterday and he has suggested a few helpful things.

This morning, I had another draining of fluid done by Amber and Anthony, my new A team. It has been helpful.

When I left, I was given instructions. They included no driving ( I asked and chipping and putting is apparently okay).  It also suggested that I could resume my eating habits. I took that to mean chocolate cake, fried calamari and pazookies at BJ's. The research manager insisted that it meant recent eating habits, not ones from three or more years ago, As a result, we had chicken, mushrooms and asparagus for dinner. Oh well, it was a nice thought.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

You gotta have heart

I am sorry that I did not blog last night (Wednesday.) I had no access to my computer as I will now explain.

After last week's chemo, I was feeling a little down and was taking it a little easy. From before that I had been coughing  a fair bit and cough medicine did not help much.

I went to the club on Saturday, but was not myself. Sunday was no better and it was suggested late in the day that I should get a chest X-Ray to check for pneumonia, et cetera.

When I asked about booking one on Monday, I was told it was best to go to emergency room to get it. So, off we went to Morton Plant, my kind of hospital.

Apparently you cannot walk into emergency with anything to do with your chest without getting your heart checked out thoroughly. I was poked prodded, X-Rayed, EKGed and had my lungs listened to back and front. Copious notes were made and I was shipped to the heart ward. Apparently, it is a difficult process for the patient to comprehend as one of their notes was that I had no obvious barriers to learning. I was pleased to learn that. I was handled by the "A" team - Amanda, Ashley and Angela.

After a day of heavy antibiotics to deal with whatever, they decided that I had a heart and that it was in good shape. So I was shipped to another floor to focus on the lung thing. It was ultimately concluded that I had some fluid around my lungs and so they removed that. Yesterday, they decided that it was so much fun poking me that they would do it again with the abdomen. causing me to stay till today. I have had to live with a great food menu, complete control of the TV (two baseball games) and lots of fun joking with transporters, nurses and technicians.

But alas, all good things must end and I came home early this morning. I went for a relaxing massage and ate a full dinner.

So, in the next two days, expect to see me at the club and on the tennis court.

I so much appreciate your interest, concern and prayers.