Thursday, October 3, 2019

You gotta have heart

I am sorry that I did not blog last night (Wednesday.) I had no access to my computer as I will now explain.

After last week's chemo, I was feeling a little down and was taking it a little easy. From before that I had been coughing  a fair bit and cough medicine did not help much.

I went to the club on Saturday, but was not myself. Sunday was no better and it was suggested late in the day that I should get a chest X-Ray to check for pneumonia, et cetera.

When I asked about booking one on Monday, I was told it was best to go to emergency room to get it. So, off we went to Morton Plant, my kind of hospital.

Apparently you cannot walk into emergency with anything to do with your chest without getting your heart checked out thoroughly. I was poked prodded, X-Rayed, EKGed and had my lungs listened to back and front. Copious notes were made and I was shipped to the heart ward. Apparently, it is a difficult process for the patient to comprehend as one of their notes was that I had no obvious barriers to learning. I was pleased to learn that. I was handled by the "A" team - Amanda, Ashley and Angela.

After a day of heavy antibiotics to deal with whatever, they decided that I had a heart and that it was in good shape. So I was shipped to another floor to focus on the lung thing. It was ultimately concluded that I had some fluid around my lungs and so they removed that. Yesterday, they decided that it was so much fun poking me that they would do it again with the abdomen. causing me to stay till today. I have had to live with a great food menu, complete control of the TV (two baseball games) and lots of fun joking with transporters, nurses and technicians.

But alas, all good things must end and I came home early this morning. I went for a relaxing massage and ate a full dinner.

So, in the next two days, expect to see me at the club and on the tennis court.

I so much appreciate your interest, concern and prayers.

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