Thursday, October 31, 2019

At the bottom of everything

Last week, I thought that I was on top of things.

This past weekend, I realized that was closer to the bottom. The new and never to be used again treatment almost destroyed me.

I thought that I was going to die, but Morton Plant hospital thankfully has disabused me of that thought. I would have blamed the fluid build up but the reality is that my white blood count was .06 far below the normal range of 4.7 to 11.7. Three successive shots of neupogen brought it up to .09 to 2.3 to 9.5 today. That is good improvement while at the same time, I have had continued fluid build up and just today contributed 4.8 liters to the cause. It kind of looks like an Octoberfest beer with a natural head,

Tomorrow, I expect they will drain fluid from around my left lung,

So, where are go from here? Morton Plant is a super cautious hospital and once they have you in their grasp, they won't let you go till every last hangnail is healed. Therefore,, I expect to go to a few days rehab.

One good thing about this visit is that I have been called sweetheart, honey and sweetie by virtually every nurse and tech in the building.

Another benefit is that having to wait one day to do this blog and going through what I have gone through has raised my weekly readership by 100.

Thanks, as always, for your love, care, prayers, kind thoughts and support.

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