Monday, April 24, 2017


I felt really good today.

Tennis went decently ending in a 5-5 tie, but we had the momentum when we stopped!

I learned something today. Did you know that avocado is a fruit? Apparently it is.

I have spent my life thinking that avocado was a color of appliances back in the early 70's, but today I learned that it is also a fruit. Who knew? I understand that I will be trying it soon.

The reason for trying it is that avocado is the wonder food of all wonder foods. It can lower your cholesterol, reduce inflammation, build up your immune system, fight cancer and could be a factor in eliminating war and creating world peace. If congressmen ate avocadoes, their approval rating would be higher. Mind you, if congress did anything, their approval rating would be higher.

One personal note. Today I received sad news about a friend and good news from another friend. Life is special and friends make it so.

I have been getting questions about some of the dietary stuff that creeps into this blog. The research manager is delighted to share information and, sometime, even I can answer the question. Heck, now I know what an avocado is.

We are going to the pound to pick up Bob tomorrow. I need to remember his leash.

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