Friday, April 28, 2017

Food Labels

Today, I learned about food labels. Pay attention. You might learn something.

We began the day slowly and deliberately. We made it to the club to help get a tournament started and was grateful for the help that a few kind souls provided.

We left after the morning game got started, did a few errands and went home for some glorious sleep. I awoke in time to go out for dinner. We then came home for a little more rest.

Now what does this have to do food labeling?

First, to save time this morning, the research manager created a smoothie. It was good, but a little gritty and we are still dealing with the cold issue, so the smoothie was not really cold. What I learned, however, is that it contained Almond Milk, which apparently is not milk. Talk about poor labeling!

On the other hand, I learned that Ruby Tuesday labels products accurately. The research manager told me to take an arti"choke" heart. She did not tell me that she had a gag reflex when she ate hers and guess what happened when I tried mine. You got it. I blame it on the artichoke, not the chemo, and I had to admit that the labeling was spot on.

Now, for the really important news. We have been checking out fish spreads and have learned that most spreads are smoked. Some even have "liquid smoke."

The research manager said that if it says "Liquid Smoke" on the label, I should throw the item out. I am going to sneak a permanent marker home from the club and write :Liquid Smoke" on the labels of all the food that I do not like, thus enabling me to comply with the research manager's edict and at the same time to rid the fridge of certain items!

I felt pretty good this morning and am trending better tonight.

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