Monday, April 10, 2017

Back to Normal

Boy, yesterday sure wiped me out. We did not leave Fort Lauderdale till almost 6 and got home just after 10. I think that dealing with "evacuation" issues is making me tired. In addition, I get up from sleep a few times each night. My research assistant claims that getting up twice within 45 minutes only counts as once!

But a decent sleep and a relaxed morning has everything back to normal.

We spent much of the last few days talking about diet and so I felt compelled to share what has come out of the discussion. Hence the rather pedestrian entry this morning.

This afternoon I went to have my heart follow up visit, this time at the Bardmoor office. I expected different staff, but was delighted when Allison came out to greet me. You may recall that I was her first.

I read her the entry on the blog that mentioned her and she was delighted.

She had to take my blood pressure and given how I was sitting and she was standing, she had me put my hand on her hip. I think that she was disappointed that the result was 120/80. So, she did it again but asked me to put my hand a little higher. (Tsk, Tsk. On her shoulder, silly) 130/80 was the result. She said that she would pray for me and did!

Next, I was to meet with the nurse practitioner.

Now let me tell you. A few years ago, I had a sore throat and went to the local medical clinic. The doctor prescribed something that did not work. I went back and this time was handled by the nurse practitioner. Her prescription worked much better, but either way, I was looking for an excuse to go back again.  :)

So, today, the nurse practitioner was Jane. Tall, short skirt and 4 inch heels. I think that nurse practitioners are a good thing for medicine!

I found out that there is a slight build up in two arteries, but it is not serious. I will work on lowering my cholesterol over the next few months and see if I can get it down from 130 to 100, just to be safer.

I am on the way out to get a thermos for some warm soup for tomorrow for lunch. We will be also toting a number of other food items and entertainment devices for my 5 hour stint.

See you on the other side, again.

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