Monday, April 17, 2017

Updates, Corrections

I may check in later, but since I will be gone till later this evening, I thought that I would give you a quick update mid afternoon.

I played tennis this morning (one set) and won again; this time 6-4, playing with Eddie who is 89! People will fear playing against me soon.

After a decent breakfast and bath, I rested a while, but I am finding being up and about feels better than lying there.

I need to correct one thing about Benita's broken wrist. As I understood it, she broke it on the tennis court. However, I found out today that she broke it in two places. I am not sure if the other place was at home or at that restaurant that does Irish dancing, where she broke her ankle last year.

There is a limited amount of discussion concerning my list of the women in my cancer life. First, let me say that I was wrong to list only women. I should have mentioned the odd guy that has offered help also. To protect his reputation, I will not mention his name.

My list was not meant to be in rank order, even though the research manager was at the top of the list. A lot depends on what is happening at the time. Ordering breakfast? The waitress ranks high. Prepping for a colonoscopy? Hello Nina! You get the drill.

In the event that I do not get back to you tonight, tomorrow is blood letting (er testing). The research manager, aided by outside consultants, has found out that I can get the nausea medicine at Publix for 10% of the cost at Walgreens and so I will have the pharmacy changed with the nurse practitioner. Also, I am getting diet advice fatigue and will ask to meet with the dietician.

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