Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Second Chemo Treatment

Today was the beginning of my second chemo treatment. It was a largely uneventful day. Every thing went smoothly. My blood counts were all good.

I was given a few magazines to "read" during my chemo time, including one for the research manager (It was Men's Health if you have ever seen the cover pictures). The other two had more words than pictures. When I was a kid, I liked picture books and now I like picture magazines if you get my drift.

On the way to treatment, we discussed getting a second opinion, which many with prior experience have recommended. We may do that later, but for now, I am happy. The last time that I asked the doctor if I could have a second opinion was when he was treating an ear ache. When I asked about a second opinion, he said "Sure. I think your hair is too long and rather unkempt, also." I think you can understand my hesitation.

At bridge tonight, I signaled the research manager that one of the players had information on probiotics which she has been researching. She was given a number of Acidophilus capsules. The initial recommendation was 4 capsules and that I should take them around the clock. I got the old clock off the mantel and stood in front of it while I swallowed 4 pills with my Chaga Mushroom Tea.
It seems to me that this is a "timely" find.

Speaking of time.......it is time for bed. Cash Cab is starting.

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