Tuesday, August 29, 2017

I might be falling for her

Today was a decent day.

I woke up in time to play tennis.

My tennis strategy is to show up looking a little tired and weak. That way, when we draw for teams, they always adjust things so that I am playing with the strongest player. Not a bad plan, eh?

There is some truth in the weakness thing, however. I am concerned about falling and so move a little more tentatively than I did BC. (Before Chemo). However, I am rethinking this. On Saturday, one of the men fell and one of the women immediately ran and took one of the other woman's Arnica Lotion so that she could rub it on his thigh and allegedly other places! Hmmmm...maybe I should think about falling.

The rest of my day was kind of green. Avocado, wheatgrass, spinach, salad, along with other generally healthy food.

I had blood work done today...the numbers were predictable, but my red blood cells are down a little.

They also did a CEA sample. It will take a few days to get that result, but I am anxious to see how it comes out.

It is almost 11. Guess where I am headed.

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