Friday, August 18, 2017

Odd Eggs

Today is ending up ok. I wore a red shirt in anticipation.

Morning came early after a late night and a 6:30 wake up call.

We had to be at the club early for a seminar. In the midst of this, the diarrhea continued, but by early afternoon, things were more under control.

This morning I got a follow up call from Dr. Borislow's assistant Ruth. She is so good, that I call her Dr. Ruth. She reiterated the Imodium/Miralax plan and off she went.

We are a bunch of old geezers at the club and many of us have complaints. My dad used to experience this in church and he would call it an "organ recital."

I have received a complaint. Someone has taken to heart my preference for an even number of eggs in the carton and wonders what to do with the odd egg. Obviously, better planning would be in order. Cook three eggs instead of two.

If, however, you end up with an odd egg, I know a few odd eggs at the club and I could match them up for you. Alternately, crack it over someone's head for comic relief. I have seen it done on television and some people think it is funny.

Meanwhile, my weight gain is up to 5 1/2 pounds and I am gaining strength. I may even try to play tennis tomorrow.

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