Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Bright Side of Life

Today was a decent day. I have felt pretty good and had decent energy. I did a few chores this morning and then ran the game at the club this afternoon.

Something always seems to have some impact, however. Today it was my digestive system. For the second day in a row, I took Curcumin. For the second day in a row, my digestive system acted up. This evening, we had a court hearing on the matter and the judge and jury (The research manager), in a unanimous decision, have taken Curcumin off the daily menu. I was represented by the Guardian ad (almost) Nauseam.

By the way, my internet sources tell me that if you type curcumin in an email or blog, the word will be highlighted as not an acceptable word. Check it out. That should prove it right there.

With apologies to Monty Python, I have been thinking about the bright side of chemo. Sure there is some bad stuff, but think about these things:

1. You lose weight - about 20 pounds so far.

2. In my case, because of one of the chemo drugs, I will get eye shots less often.

3. When you have a few bad days, you will eventually have a good day and that feels great. It is kind of like living in Seattle (or Bainbridge Island - look that location up in your Funk and Wagnall's) and having a sunny day.

4. Most of all, if it weren't for chemo, I would not be doing this blog!

I will end with a question worthy of Cash Cab.  Consistent with the news of the past week, what country is currently the second largest reader of this blog.

The answer is .........Russia. Go figure.

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