Wednesday, May 31, 2017

My Computer is Growing Hair

Another good day. I presume that is because I wore a red shirt. I almost wore a black one, but it was too itchy.

Some random notes:

I got my new passport this morning. It is good for 10 years. I was wearing one of my two best sport shirts for the picture. The interesting thing is that we had a new player at the club who was wearing the same shirt. I'll have to make sure that he does not steal any of my other shirts.

I have noticed recently that my computer has been growing hair. So has the bathroom sink. Dudley, my fellow colon cancer tennis player, has a similar problem, but he thinks it is because his hair is thinning a little. He has no imagination. Why can't a computer keyboard grow hair?

I picked up a report on my petscan today.  My amateur analysis is that the chemo is working in most areas. The research manager seems to agree. We will get the professional analysis next Tuesday.

Sometime when the research manager is telling me something and I am slow on picking up on what she is saying, she will say that I am not getting the point. Well, tomorrow I am going to fix that. I am going to call an acupuncturist. My email pal tells me that it is worthwhile in that it helps mitigate against some of the side effects of chemo. I'll let you know what I find.

Tonight? Baseball or Hockey? I've got to do something to fill the time between now and Cash Cab!

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