Monday, May 1, 2017

Vignettes from another good day

Pretty decent day today. I just love the "off" weeks. I started with tennis and ended with bridge with some errands and sleep in between.

Just a few vignettes.

One of the research manager's other talents is editing. Apparently, I have created alarm in her sister's family with my comment about liquid smoke. They use liquid smoke in a nut treatment that they call "Grandpa's Nuts." So now they are looking for alternatives. The research manager went back to look at what I had said and in looking at that day's blog told me that I did not need a colon before a phrase that I had used. I told her that without the colon, there would be no blog.

She then was reviewing a list of foods that satisfied her perceived need for me to have vitamin K, whatever that is. She read off a list of items and then said quietly, "We'll skip that one." I suspect it was ice cream or some such delightful food.

My big errand this afternoon was to send off my application to renew my passport. I had to get two pictures to go with the application. The research manager commented on how good I looked as I left. I was not sure what form of looking good she meant. (see yesterday's blog).

When the photographer took my picture, it showed up on the screen along with several others. I jokingly asked if I could use one of the other pictures. His reply? I swear that this is true. "Some of them look better than yours."

Crushed, I told him that he would make it into my blog. He explained that he was talking about the women's pictures. I guess I feel better.

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