Sunday, May 21, 2017

Feeling Pressure

Thanks to my having mentioned it, I now feel pressure every morning to decide what color shirt to wear.

Take today. I mentioned to the research manager the problem and she suggested that I try black. So black it was. I learned that black goes well with my hair and therefore it looks good. If there is any significance, this is the third day in a row that I have felt on top of my game. It is really nice to be busy all day and not even thinking of resting.

And speaking of hair, I don't even have time to get my hair cut. This makes the research manager happy. She likes my hair long as do some other women at the club. It drives me crazy, but maybe it is worth it if it drives them crazy too.

We gave some thought to making this evening's dinner the Last Supper............before chemo ..... as there is a theoretical basis for fasting before chemo. The good cells go into survival mode leaving the bad cancer cells fully exposed to the chemo. At the last minute, we are deferring this strategy and therefore, there will still be food in my near future.

One final note. The selenium crisis is not abating. Today I learned that 400 mcg is the absolute maximum one should take in a day. 9 Brazil nuts gives you over 700 mcg and that is what I had yesterday. I thought that there might be some movement on a special prosecutor when I got a call from Washington today. However, it turned out to be a fundraising call.

I am betting heavily on another great day tomorrow. I have a board meeting at 4:00. I hope that they can keep up with my energy.

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