Thursday, May 25, 2017


I guess that yesterday was a precursor to what was going to happen today.

I slept till 10 and got up then only because I thought that I should.

We will discuss breakfast shortly.

I managed to stay awake long enough to get in the car to take Bob home and have a grilled cheese and tomato sandwich on the way back. I figure that the tomato is good for me and is palatable given that I have very little appetite. The tomato keeps the research manager sort of happy.

I got home about 2 and slept till 7.

I was still not exceedingly hungry and gave the research manager 5 things that I would eat for dinner, none of which fit into any of her diet fantasies. We settled on Annie's organic Mac and Cheese (apparently because she wanted some too!).

Now, I am watching bridge and waiting for The Amazing Race to come on. I think that I can stay awake till then.

Now about breakfast. I discovered this morning that the research manager is a politician. Promises made and promises broken. Last evening, she declared that I could do and eat whatever I wanted today. When I struggled out of the bedroom, I indicated that I was going to have either oatmeal or Special K for breakfast. She immediately said she had something healthy that she could put on the cereal. I demurred at this suggestion, but ultimately had to agree to try it. You have to try to keep research managers happy even if they act like politicians.

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