Monday, July 3, 2017

More Important than Shoes!

Today was chemo day because tomorrow (Tuesday) is a holiday.

After tennis and a breakfast, we headed off to the cancer clinic.

The chemo went fairly well with the exception that my Avastin got spilled all over the nurse, the floor and me. Fortunately, it was Avastin rather than some of the other drugs which burn your skin seriously. Think about it. Some of the drugs can burn your skin through to the bone and it is being put into your blood stream. Serious stuff.

Prior to the chemo, we met with Dr. Patel and discussed my ringworm which is not getting any better and, in fact is spreading to at least two other areas. He said he would like to consult with an infectious disease doctor. As we were leaving he advised us to take a prescription topical ointment for 14 days and also a prescription capsule once a week for 12 weeks. You have to take this kind of fungal infection seriously when you are in chemo and your immune system can be compromised. In fact, you have to take all infection seriously.

Some random notes from the day:

1. Two large poodles visited the cancer center all dressed up for July 4 with hats and glasses. Email me if you want to see a picture.

2. On the way home, I saw a sign advertising blackberries for $.99 each. Those must be big blackberries! I love blackberry jam!

3. Finally, a note of hope. You wonder where you stand in the pecking order when you are ill. We were supposed to pick up some shoes for one of Carol's clients, but were running out of time and so we went directly to the cancer center. The research manager told me that I was more important than her client's shoes. That made me feel good!

4. We played bridge tonight and finally got points after what seems like three years with nothing!

Time for Cash Cab. Here endeth tonight's blog..

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